
Monday, 18 April 2011

What does back up and backup means?Apa maksud back up dan backup?

Back up and backup sounds the same but has different meanings when written. Bunyinya sama tapi maksud lain2...dengar ayatnya dulu kalau tgh bercerita:D

Back up is an activity like ' back up your car' (move your car back) or 'back up your computer'.
Back up -gostan kereta, back up komputer...

1.Backup refers to something that supports each other (benda yang diperlukan antara satu sama lain, sisimpan hingga diperlukan):
-backup plan
-backup forces
-backup singer
2.stuck (tersekat disebabkan sesuatu)
- the sewage is backed up or  there is a long backup at the toll booth.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...
